INTECH Service Operation and Maintenance Joint Stock Company together with partners, organized the Conference: "Building a methodical and effective operation & maintenance management system for industrial factories" with the goal of helping manufacturing enterprises control the operation and maintenance process, optimize costs, and reduce pressure on the production management system. In addition, the conference is also a place to connect, exchange, and introduce products to service solution providers, maintenance, and operations software.
Information & Events:
Time: 14:00 - 16:30 on October 26, 2023
Location: INTECH Group Business Hub Building, No 08, BH1, VSIP Tu Son Industrial Park, Bac Ninh
At present, building a systematic and effective factory operation and maintenance management system is becoming an important factor and attracting the attention of businesses. However, building a systematic and effective factory operation and maintenance management system is not easy. Many businesses are facing big challenges when trying to find reasonable solutions to take advantage of technology, optimize resources, and make important breakthroughs in their business operations. Most manufacturing enterprises in Vietnam are still struggling to find the answer to the question, "How to have an effective plan and process for maintaining machinery and equipment for the factory?"
The conference is within the framework of the CLEANFACT & RESAT EXPO 2023 EXHIBITION, Conferences accompanying the Conference: "Building a methodical and effective operation & maintenance management system for industrial factories" such as Forum Cleanroom Technology, The 5th ASEAN5+J Workshop or Refrigeration Industry Night and many other programs are also rare opportunities for manufacturers and service providers in the industry to learn knowledge and seize opportunities. connection and business association.